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royal botanic gardens (倫敦)皇家植物園。

royal burgh

Led by the royal botanic garden edinburgh rbge , the uk - china partners in science plant conservation programme saw 13 top - ranking scientists visiting kunming to meet their counterparts from chinas growing community of botanic gardens before breaking with convention and climbing 3 , 200m up a mountain to develop proposals on the way forward for conservation and sustainability 同時,為了更好地展示中英兩國珍稀植物,提高公眾對植物的保護意識,英國愛丁皇家植物園專家重新整葺了昆明世博園英國園,并于十月十七日上午舉行了世博園英國園重新開園儀式。

Walking the rim of sydney cove from campbell ' s cove to bennelong point , and up into the serenity of the royal botanic gardens , a look at the faces tells you that , like new york , sydney is one of the world ' s great melting pots 沿著悉尼灣,從堪姆貝爾灣到貝尼龍,再走到寧靜的皇家植物園,沿途各種膚色的行人都說明悉尼和紐約一樣是世界的一個大熔爐。

China is also , historically , closely associated with flowers and herbs and the royal botanic garden edinburgh is renowned for the cultivation and scientific study of the flora of china 中國的花卉和草藥久富盛名,而愛丁堡皇家植物園也以科學培育和研究中國花卉而著稱。

The delegation of directors from the royal botanic garden kew rbgk , the natural history museum and rbge , along 這些來自英國三大頂尖植物研究機構- -英國皇家植物園- -邱園、英國自然歷史博物館和

The delegation of directors from the royal botanic garden kew rbgk , the natural history museum and rbge 這些來自英國三大頂尖植物研究機構英國皇家植物園邱園、英國自然歷史博物館和

And the sydney royal botanic gardens , it says in the guide book that it ' s really serene and a great spot for a picnic 還要去悉尼皇家植物園,導游手冊上說那是野餐的好去處。

3 . royal botanic gardens museum of sydney . konservatorium der musik , government house und seine grten 3 .皇家植物園悉尼博物館:公立音樂學校,內閣議院及其花園

The guides have been produced by royal botanic gardens , kew 系列指導手冊。該系列手冊是由皇家植物園制作的。

Excuse me , is this the bus to the royal botanic garden 請問這輛車是去皇家植物園的嗎?